Monday, October 12, 2009

Latest Newsletter

Our latest newsletter is avaible to view here in pdf format.

If would like to submit anything for the next newsletter please email our intern Laura.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Recepción a México!

(Or. Welcome to Mexico!)
Mexico is the most populated Spanish speaking country in the world, home to over 100 million people and is an ever popular tourist destination, but what goes on behind the scenes?

In February 2010 we are excited to be able to send our first group of Lattitude New Zealand volunteers over to mexico for 6 month gap year placements. Internationally, Lattitude Global Volunteering has been sending young people to participate in community and education projects in Mexico for many years, however, 2010 will be a first for the New Zealand office.

We are excited to be able to offer an ever-increasing list of destiantions to young New Zealanders wanting to get more out of their gap years, and we hope to be able to continue to expand our overseas programmes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Click here to watch Lattitude on TV3

Back in August Sharyn got the chance to appear on 'Sunrise' a national morning television show to talk about volunteering with Lattitude.

The last few weeks have been busy for us in the office. Offers for UK and other placements are coming in thick and fast and we are currently in the process of putting together and sending out briefing packs.

Now is also the time of year we start getting a lot of enquiries about Visa's. We have tried to put as much information into the briefing packs as possible, but you are always welcome to ring the office if you have questions.