Monday, August 31, 2009

Kia Ora Tatou! (Hello Everyone!)

Well it has been a busy few days here at Lattitude HQ. Over the weekend we welcomed 49 new volunteers into New Zealand, and in the coming weeks we will have several more new arrivals.
Depsite the jet lag, everyone managed to keep to a hectic and enjoyable schedule. On Friday we were lucky enough to attend a Powhiri, a traditional Maori welcome ceremony for visitors, which was held at Wesley College outside of Auckland. Our volunteers had their singing voices with them as they made a valiant attempt at a Waiata (song) as part of the ceremony. After lunch we all go to know each other better with some games and exercises. Here are the volunteers getting together in groups according to their locations around the country:

Most of our volunteers also made a visit to the Sky Tower that afternoon, send us your pictures guys!

On Saturday we had a full day of orientation and it was a good chance to find out more about New Zealand, life as a Lattitude Volunteer, and what to expect. Special thanks go to Kat and Sara for the insights into volunteer life, and to Ra and Jen for their spirited and entertaining introduction to Maori culture (the video may shortly follow for those of you who are interested!). We'd also like to thank Coleen and Barbara for all their help and support. After a meal out on Saturday night it was time for everyone to head their seperate ways on Sunday morning. We hope all the volunteers are now settling in well, and we look forward to recieving your news and photos.

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